Sounds like music in the sims.
A nice idea though...... its really good.
Nothing wrong here. Keep it up^
Sounds like music in the sims.
A nice idea though...... its really good.
Nothing wrong here. Keep it up^
is that a good or bad thing, guessing good
My ears are bleeding :(
Is it supposed to hypnotize u as well?!
i think i need an aspirin...
but it WAS a bass test
i gave you 1/5 to confirm that my ears are bleeding.
& 10/10 for a good bass test.
HAHA shit dude you are the man! haha thats what i said, till i came out of my hipnosis and realised you actually did vote 1 :\ haha thakns man for the review!
Will make sure not to erm..make your ears bleed next time ^^
Superb Work!!
The song is sure lively, its length is suitable for a dance song, i liked all the melodies, sounds, synthesizers, layout, ups & downs........... Gr8 Job!!
& good use of sound dynamics.
my only suggestion would be:
raising the melody's volume a bit.
Oh & by the way, i loved it when the song became Benny Benassi's style at 1:59
Gr8 work :)
keep it up^
Yeah... I think I might do just that. I would have liked to hear that melody a little louder myself. I just only listen for the melody when it comes on though, so I thought the volume was sufficient.
Glad you liked the song!
Not Bad
Loopable, ambient & flowing smoothly.
But i recommend using some sort of a pad as background, it would then sound more rich............ a violin pad will do the job (i guess)
Good, but try mixing more sounds...
& take ur time next time :)
the reason it's only got the "deeper" sounds is cause it's for under water. and it's short cause it's for an item room.
but thanks for the comment. :D
Gr8 job :)
It was variable, it was melo, it was bouncy & it was Trancy!!
The sounds are of gr8 quality, as well as the sound dynamics.
The hard effort is obvious in this piece of art.
& yeah.... it does KICK ASS
Keep it UP^
Hey Fadious..
Thnx :D I did try too use multiple angles wich worked out great is this track.
It`s real cool to see people enjoying my music !!
Thnx for Comment and rating : D :D
Greetz DJMontana
A late review... but better than nothing :P
How did u make the guitar sound like that??
It's cool dude!
You are never late man.
I don't know how i got my guitar to sound like that, just luck i guess. I plugged it in directly from my amp to my sound card, nothing fancy.
Thanx for the review man and your support.
Hey there, uziJazz!
Nice style u've got here.
It's been cool to chillax on this chill tune :)
Pretty neat!
Gr8 work! yes the melody IS awesome, & can be used for a game.
Happy & Calm.
I like it!
Keep it up
Wow thanks, I made this in Acid before I got Reason, so I'll recreate it all nice and new for ya :3
nice tune u've got here.
it's well laid out & sounds happy, but u can do better.
Good job for a first song
The Jagdpanther is just AWESOME!!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 5/5/07